This course discusses the application of basic mathematics concepts to solve the real-world problem related to science phenomena and giving the solution using substantive and
This course discusses the application of basic mathematics concepts to solve the real-world problem related to science phenomena and giving the solution using substantive and
This course discusses the application of basic mathematics concepts to solve the real-world problem related to science phenomena and giving the solution using substantive and
This course discusses the application of basic mathematics concepts to solve the real-world problem related to science phenomena and giving the solution using substantive and
Memberikan bekal terbentuknya kepribadian mahasiswa secara utuh (kaffah) dengan menjadikan ajaran Islam sebagai landasan berpikir, bersikap, dan berperilaku dalam pengembangan keilmuan dan profesinya. Kepribadian yang
Mata kuliah Literasi Digital merupakan mata kuliah wajib umum (MKWU) bagi seluruh mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Surabaya yang disajikan pada tahun pertama perkuliahan. Matakuliah ini membekali