This course will examine in depth: The basic concept of inclusive education; Philosophy, basic principles and regulations; Diversity PDBK (characteristics) (law no 8 physical, mental
This course will examine in depth: The basic concept of inclusive education; Philosophy, basic principles and regulations; Diversity PDBK (characteristics) (law no 8 physical, mental
This course will examine in depth: The basic concept of inclusive education; Philosophy, basic principles and regulations; Diversity PDBK (characteristics) (law no 8 physical, mental
The Indonesian language course discusses (1) the history, position, and function of the Indonesian language; (2) critical reading; (3) the characteristics of scientific Indonesian; (4)
The Indonesian language course discusses (1) the history, position, and function of the Indonesian language; (2) critical reading; (3) the characteristics of scientific Indonesian; (4)
Pendidikan Agama Kristen Protestan merupakan mata kuliah yang mengajarkan pemakaian Alkitab sebagai dasar iman/keyakinan akan keberadaan Allah Tritunggal sebagai Pencipta, Penebusan oleh Yesus Kristus dan