Deskripsi Mata Kuliah
This course provides an understanding of the concepts, techniques and methods of identifying learning needs and resources for individuals, institutions and communities, as well as their utilization for planning non-formal education programs in the community. Lectures are conducted by providing explanations, discussions, assignments and practicums. the success indicators of this course are that students are able to identify and map community learning needs according to the potential of the community, then students are able to develop appropriate non-formal education programs.
Identification of community learning needs is a process to reveal and understand what is needed by the community in terms of knowledge, skills, or information so that they can develop and adapt in their social, economic, and cultural environment. the steps in identifying community learning needs are Direct Observation, Surveys and Interviews, Focus Group Discussions, Social and Economic Data Analysis, Involving Local Stakeholders, Skill Gap Analysis, Community Participation, Identification of Access and Barriers. Students are trained to carry out these stages to make it easier for them to develop community programs that suit their needs. The learning assessment method is done by participatory as well as test.
- Memahami dan menguasai teori dan konsep tentang identifikasi Kebutuhan dan Sumber Belajar pada program Pendidikan Nonformal secara lengkap dan kontekstual sebagai aktualisasi dari prinsip-prinsip pembelajaran sepanjang hayat yang inovatif, kreatif, dan berkualitas.
- Mampu mengambil keputusan secara tepat dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah melalui pengembangan pengetahuan Pendidikan Nonformal berdasarkan hasil analisis informasi dan data.
- Menguasai konsep dan prosedur pengembangan masyarakat melalui pendekatan pendidikan nonformal yang kritis, kreatif, kolaboratif, komunikatif, melek teknologi informasi (TI), serta berintegritas dan berkarakter.
- Mampu mengelola program Pendidikan Nonformal yang berlandaskan ketaqwaan, kemandirian, dan kewirausahaan sosial.a