This course provides an understanding and ability of the concept of profession, types of NFEprofessions, the relationship between NFE and NFE professions, NFE professional ethics, and policies related to PNF professions through explanation, discussion, and presentation. The non-formal education profession discusses the potential job opportunities of non-formal education graduates and directs students to have the competencies needed in the future. It is expected that students build their personality branding well. The indicator of the success of this course is if students have a comprehensive understanding of the professions based on non-formal education, students are able to examine professional opportunities that can be developed in an ever-changing era. A course designed to equip students with professional knowledge, skills and attitudes in the context of non-formal education. Non-formal education includes education outside the formal channels (school or university) that is more flexible and diverse, such as courses, job training, community education, and community
learning activities. The purpose of this course is to prepare students to
workprofessionally in nonformal education institutions, both in the public and private sectors, and to be able to make a significant contribution to human resource development