Kajian tentang konsep-konsep dasar: Metode Ilmiah, Sifat-sifat Materi, Stoikhiometri, Sistem Periodik Unsur, Ikatan Kimia, Energetika, Wujud Zat, Larutan, Koloid, Kimia Karbon, Green Chemistry dan Bahan
One of the manifestations of love for the homeland and nation can be implemented through enthusiastic learning about Pancasila and applying its values into daily
One of the manifestations of love for the homeland and nation can be implemented through enthusiastic learning about Pancasila and applying its values into daily
The Indonesian language course discusses (1) the history, position, and function of the Indonesian language; (2) critical reading; (3) the characteristics of scientific Indonesian; (4)
Kajian tentang teori dasar analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang medukung proses, serta evaluasi hasil; analisis kualitatif yg mencakup identifikasi kation dan anion secara sistematis; analisis
One of the manifestations of love for the homeland and nation can be implemented through enthusiastic learning about Pancasila and applying its values into daily