
Our Top Course
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)
Lies Amin Lestari

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Prof. Dr. Hj. Lies Amin Lestari, M.A., M.Pd.
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Jadwal mengajar periode 2023/2024 Genap

(15 Reviews)

Second Language Acquisition | 2023A

  • 16 Lessons

This course is designed to give students knowledge of how language is acquired. This course helps the students understand the stages in acquiring a language

(15 Reviews)

Second Language Acquisition | 2022D

  • 16 Lessons

This course introduces the students to the concepts and principles of how learners learn a second language. It covers the concepts in SLA, language environments,

(15 Reviews)

Second Language Acquisition | 2022E

  • 16 Lessons

This course introduces the students to the concepts and principles of how learners learn a second language. It covers the concepts in SLA, language environments,

(15 Reviews)

Second Language Acquisition | 2022F

  • 16 Lessons

This course introduces the students to the concepts and principles of how learners learn a second language. It covers the concepts in SLA, language environments,

(15 Reviews)

Teyl | 2022G

  • 16 Lessons

The course focuses on the basic concepts and principles of teaching English to young learners and how to apply them in teaching and learning process.

(15 Reviews)

Teyl | 2022H

  • 16 Lessons

The course focuses on the basic concepts and principles of teaching English to young learners and how to apply them in teaching and learning process.