Deskripsi Mata Kuliah
This course discusses concepts, knowledge, and healthy attitudes / behavior to students about planning, selecting strategies for health education efforts to the community. Health improvement efforts include promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative efforts. Promotive efforts by conducting public health education so that changes in healthy behavior occur. This course aims to equip students with basic knowledge and practical skills in designing, implementing, and evaluating health programs aimed at improving the quality of life of the community. The success indicator of this course is if students are able to use effective communication to the community in relation to delivering information related to health and education. Learning is carried out using lecture methods, and case studies, as well as individual and group assignments. Meanwhile, assessment is carried out with the participation of students as well as midterm and final exams.
- Mampu mengidentifikasi dan mendefinisikan konsep dan tujuan pendidikan kesehatan masyarakat
- Mampu mempelajari kesehatan masyarakat dan bisnis kesehatan masyarakat
- Mampu memahami dan mengidentifikasi teori-teori kesehatan masyarakat
- Menunjukkan sikap positif dan kerja sama untuk mewujudkan program pendidikan nonformal di bidang kesehatan masyarakat