Deskripsi Mata Kuliah
Understanding of development concepts and theories, community development methods, community development techniques, the relationship between community development methods and techniques, review of several community development methods and techniques. Understanding the conditions and
problems of community life in Indonesia as a foundation and examining theories and approaches as well as methods and techniques of community development. Indicators of the success of this course are that students can understand the concepts and theories of community development methods, can study the relationship between community development methods and techniques and can review community development methods and techniques.
The community development course aims to equip students to have a basic pattern in developing a diversity of empowerment originating from community potential. The complexity of events that occur in social life requires the younger generation to have the creativity to generate enthusiasm in developing
human resources and the potential of the local area to realize community independence. To achieve this goal, the lecture material that will be discussed is: Basic concepts of development, community empowerment and community self-reliance in the context of community development, Community Empowerment through PNPM, Community Self-Reliance Agency, Principles and Capital of
Community Development, Analysis of community development needs in the context of conventional development and community-based development, Participation, Group dynamics, Factors supporting community development, Analysis of Community Development Program Implementation. The learning methods used are lectures, discussions, presentations, case studies and assignments.
- Memiliki prinsip kemandirian, kerja sama, kejujuran, dan rasa percaya diri dalam belajar baik dalam kelompok maupun individu
- Menguasai teori dasar tentang konsep pendekatan dan paradigma pengembangan masyarakat
- Memiliki keterampilan mengolah informasi secara kritis dan obyektif dalam kaitannya dengan pelaksanaan pengembangan masyarakat.
- Memiliki keterampilan mengelola program pengembangan masyarakat