Deskripsi Mata Kuliah
Students are able to apply the nature, concepts, types of social communication, functions and communication processes, characteristics of effectiv communication, good communication techniques and negotiation skills and public relations programs using information and communication technology in the field of community empowerment training.The success indicators of this course are that students are able to implement the concepts, types, functions, and processes of social communication properly. The success indicator of this course is the active communication of students in class and students are able to communicate well to establish relationships and cooperation with the community
- Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan hakikat, konsep, jenis-jenis komunikasi sosial, fungsi dan proses komunikasi, ciri-ciri komunikasi yang efektif, teknik komunikasi yang baik
- Mahasiswa mampu negosiasi serta program kehumasan dengan menggunakan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam bidang pelatihan pemberdayaan masyarakat.