
Our Top Course
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)
Lina Purwaning Hartanti

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Lina Purwaning Hartanti, S.Pd., M.EIL.
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Jadwal mengajar periode 2023/2024 Genap

(15 Reviews)

Public Speaking | 2023G

  • 16 Lessons

This subject is specifically designed to give students an opportunity to develop and strengthen skills in presenting public oral presentations in a variety of situations

(15 Reviews)

Language IN Society | 2022D

  • 16 Lessons

This subject describes the relationship between language, society, and history of language especially english language in shaping new language communities and repertoires.This addresses language change,

(15 Reviews)

Language IN Society | 2022A

  • 16 Lessons

This subject describes the relationship between language, society, and history of language especially english language in shaping new language communities and repertoires.This addresses language change,

(15 Reviews)

Language IN Society | 2022B

  • 16 Lessons

This subject describes the relationship between language, society, and history of language especially english language in shaping new language communities and repertoires.This addresses language change,

(15 Reviews)

Introduction TO Linguistics | 2023A

  • 16 Lessons

This subject discusses the origin of language and introduces basic concept of linguistic branches and their functions. The lecture is initiated with the explanation on

(15 Reviews)

Introduction TO Linguistics | 2023B

  • 16 Lessons

This subject discusses the origin of language and introduces basic concept of linguistic branches and their functions. The lecture is initiated with the explanation on

(15 Reviews)

Introduction TO Linguistics | 2023C

  • 16 Lessons

This subject discusses the origin of language and introduces basic concept of linguistic branches and their functions. The lecture is initiated with the explanation on

(15 Reviews)

Language IN Society | 2022C

  • 16 Lessons

This subject describes the relationship between language, society, and history of language especially english language in shaping new language communities and repertoires.This addresses language change,