Deskripsi Mata Kuliah
Mastering the principles of scientific method, designing and conducting research, managing and communicating scientific report, both in oral and written ways by utilizing the information and communication technology.
Capable to adapt to various developments in chemistry, develop and learn continuously throughout life to continue education, both formal and informal
- 1. Students have ability to utilize their ability in English, the learning resources, and ICT to support mastery of concepts of chemistry terms, chemical and chemical equipment in laboratory, and the name of chemical inorganic compounds (nomenclature) in English.
- Students have ability to make connection about their knowledge of English Vocabulary, Grammar and Structure with the Chemistry concepts in written text (text books, reading passages, articles, journals).
- Students have ability to utilize their ability of listening and writing strategies to understand speech, lecture, talk, and seminar spoken in English and to make good presentation in English
- Students have responsibility to use their knowledge in English and Chemistry to help people in daily life honestly, and make a better world