Deskripsi Mata Kuliah
This course provides an understanding of education for families, the concept of parenthood education, the role of parents in community education, the nature of the family as a subsystem of national education, the family as part of the tri-center of education, and the role of family education in creating a society that likes to learn through explanation, discussion, assignment and practicum.The success indicator of this course is that students understand family education and parenthood education well.
This course provides an understanding of the history and concept of community education, the purpose and content of community education, the nature of community education in the national education system, the field of community education, as well as SPEM and 10 benchmarks of community education through exposure, discussion, and presentation.
- Mahasiswa memiliki pemahaman tentang pendidikan bagi keluarga, konsep pendidikan keorangtuaan, peran orang tua dalam pendidikan masyarakat, hakikat keluarga sebagai subsistem pendidikan nasional, keluarga sebagai bagian dari tri pusat pendidikan, dan peran pendidikan keluarga dalam menciptakan masyarakat yang gemar belajar dalam rangka menjalankan perannya sebagai pendidik dan pengelola PNF.
- Mahasiswa mampu memahami peran pendidikan keluarga dalam menciptakan masyarakat yang gemar belajar dalam rangka menjalankan perannya sebagai pendidik dan pengelola PNF