This course aims to prepare students to contribute to improving the quality of community life inaccordance with the scope of the non-formal education field in community empowerment efforts.Empowerment efforts are carried out by developing relationships and social relations in society,understanding and analyzing the potential that can be developed, identifying community changes andtheir relationship to the importance of empowerment efforts, empowerment strategies, conceptualfoundations, stages, and practices of empowerment in participatory community groups. To realize this,the following lecture materials are given: Approaches in Community Development, Social Welfare Development, Community Development, Community Development, Ecology and Social Justice A vision for Community Development, Non-formal Education as a strategy in community empowerment practices, community-based development planning and evaluation, community-based resourcemanagement, program planning, empowerment models, social assistance, participatory approaches and techniques. The learning strategies in lectures are discussion, question and answer, lecture, practice,and mini research