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Video Interaktif
Video ini membahas Video Interaktif pada MataKuliah Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif, oleh Hirnanda Dimas Pradana
Komunikasi Non Verbal
Komunikasi Non Verbal. Tim Kreatif @nultimation @hanyrasyidahh Ema Nurfadhila
Rekaman Teori Belajar untuk pertemuan pertama dan penyampaian tugas
Video ini membahas Rekaman Teori Belajar untuk pertemuan pertama dan penyampaian tugas pada MataKuliah Teori Belajar, oleh Mukhayyarotin Niswati Rodliyatul Jauhariyah
SWK Talk 2 "Mengapa Pancasila disebut sebagai sistem filsafat" ?
Pada sesi ini kita akan membahas tentang Pancasila sebagai sistem filsafat. Ada beberapa hal yang perlu menjadi pertanyaan, diantaranya "bagaimana
Perspektif Perubahan Iklim dan Biodiversitas
Yuk simak perspektif dari, 1. Reni Ambarwati, S.Si., M.Sc (Dosen S1 Biologi, Unesa) 2. Dr. H. Sunu Kuntjoro, S.Si., M.Si.
English Department UNESA Webinar Series #2: Researching Literacy from an Ideological Perspective
English Department of Unesa proudly presents English-Unesa Webinar series on Language, Literature, and English Education. The series will be held
Histudy Course student
can join with us.
Bahasa Inggris
English course aims to provide students with English skills for academic purposes relevant to mathematics. Reading sources and media used in this course specifically, discuss
Mata kuliah ini mengkaji teori dasar, pengertian, dimensi-dimensi, fungsi, peranan dan lingkup kurikulum, landasan pengembangan kurikulum, model-model kurikulum SMK, kurikulum SMK tahun 2013 (K13) ,
Kosmografi *)
Melakukan pengkajian dan memberikan pemahaman tentang wawasan tentang jagat raya beserta isinya galaksi, bintang, tata surya, gerakan bumi, bulan dan gerhana, penanggalan,serta lukisan bola langit
Creating A Community Of
Life Long Learners.
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Whose Inspirations You
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You can run Histudy easily. Any School, University, College can be use this histudy education template for their educational purpose. A university can be success you.
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You can run Histudy easily. Any School, University, College can be use this histudy education template for their educational purpose. A university can be success you.
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You can run Histudy easily. Any School, University, College can be use this histudy education template for their educational purpose. A university can be success you.
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You can run Histudy easily. Any School, University, College can be use this histudy education template for their educational purpose. A university can be success you.
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You can run Histudy easily. Any School, University, College can be use this histudy education template for their educational purpose. A university can be success you.
![Testimonial Images](
You can run Histudy easily. Any School, University, College can be use this histudy education template for their educational purpose. A university can be success you.