Deskripsi Mata Kuliah
Mata kuliah ini membekali mahasiswa kemampuan bahasa Inggris level dasar dan menengah dalam hal reading, writing, dan listening yang mendukung kompetensi calon guru IPA. Adapun cakupan yang dibahas meliputisingular-plural pada contoh teks bacaan , word order, determiner,modals, tenses, passive voice, subject-verb agreement, gerunds&infinitives, adjective clause&adjective, reading, vocabulary, writing, listening dalam bentuk teori dan presentasi. Perkuliahan dilaksanakan dengan strategi pembelajaran dengan arahan, analisis teks, diskusi, tugas (berlatih) secara individual dan berkelompok, dan refleksi.
- Use ICT to find information or examples to study singular-plurals, word order and determiners
- Mastering how to study the application of modals in sentences, tenses and passive voices with example sentences in the context of Science Education
- Analyze subject-verb agreement, gerunds & infinitives on sentences related to the science concept
- Be able to identify adjective clause-adjective and noun clause
- Able to practice reading skills on reading text, vocabulary, writing and listening practice