Deskripsi Mata Kuliah
This course provides an understanding of the concepts, meanings, approaches, methods, historical background of social psychology, personality, social behavior, patterns of application of social psychology theories and group dynamics through explanations, discussions, presentations and assignments. This course combines psychological theories with empirical studies to understand various social phenomena that occur in everyday life. In class, students discuss the results of their learning about social psychology through reading literature from books and media on the internet. The assessment of this course is taken from their active participation during lectures and quizzes, midterm and final exams. The success indicator of this course is if students are able to apply theories in learning social psychology to examples of social phenomena in society, then study them in discussions.
- Mahasiswa dapat memahami dan menguasai konsep-teori tentang psikologi sosial serta dinamika kelompok secara utuh dan kontekstual, yang meliputi konsep, kedudukan, sejarah, pendekatan, dan metode psikologi sosial.
- Mahasiswa memiliki pemahaman terkait dinamika kelompok dalam masyarakat terkait tingkah laku, komunikasi sosial, kelompok sosial, persepsi sosial, identitas sosial, prasangka sosial, dan sikap sosial serta kaitannya dengan pengelolaan pendidikan nonformal dan informal.
- Mahasiswa memiliki sikap positif untuk mengikuti pembelajaran dengan baik.