Deskripsi Mata Kuliah
Mata Kuliah ini memuat kajian tentang pembelajaran tematik di Kelas Lanjut SD dan mengimplementasikannya dalam merancang, melaksanakan, dan menilai pembelajarannya, dengan mengakomodasi kecakapan literasi, Higher Order Thingking Skill (HOTS), dan Critical thinking, Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Computational Digital, Compassion (6C) maupun inovasi pembelajaran yang berkembang sesuai dengan karakter ke-kini-an.
- CLO1 Mastering the essential concepts of science subjects in elementary school and their learning including misconceptions and strategies to overcome them
- CLO2 Utilizing learning resources and ICT to master and develop curricula, approaches, strategies, models, methods, techniques, teaching materials, media and learning resources, as classroom teachers, especially in the field of science studies in elementary schools.
- CLO3 Mastering the concepts, principles, and assessment procedures in science learning oriented to assessment standards
- CLO4 Making decisions in designing and implementing science learning that are relevant to the competencies, characteristics of the subject matter, and student characteristics
- CLO5 Having a commitment and responsibility in implementing, and developing science learning to improve the quality of learning in elementary schools