Deskripsi Mata Kuliah
This course discusses; (1) basic concepts of research methodology (paradigms, concepts, prepositions,theories, methodologies, approaches, research designs and procedures, identification and formulation of research problems, research variables, theoretical studies, frameworks of thought, research hypotheses, research questions, research populations, samples and sampling techniques, researchsubjects and settings, research instruments, data collection techniques, data analysis techniques), (2)Types of research relevant in PLB (Experiment, SSR, Expost Facto, PTK, Phenomenology), (3)Preparation and dissemination of pre thesis proposals along with research instruments, (4) thesis preparation and scientific article writing techniques in journals, (5) Technical submitting articles to international journals. The indicators of this course are that students are able to understand the theory and have competence in the application of methods in carrying out research, data collection techniques,data processing techniques, data analysis techniques, and conclusions.
- Menguasai konsep dan prosedur penelitian sehingga mampu merancang dan melaksanakan penelitian di bidang Pendidikan Nonformal secara kritis, kreatif, kooperatif, komunikatif, melek teknologi informasi (TI), dan berkarakter integratif.
- Memiliki keterampilan untuk mengambil keputusan tentang pentingnya menguasai metodologi penelitian pendidikan terkini.
- Mahasiswa memiliki sikap positif untuk mengikuti pembelajaran dengan baik