Deskripsi Mata Kuliah
This course is designed to help students master and analyze the substance of content and processes instatistics and apply and present data from statistical tests oriented toward active, innovative, creative,effective, and adaptive learning of science and technology in the context of solving problems. The material provided includes basic concepts of statistics, sampling and population, variables, andmeasurement scales (ordinal, nominal, interval, ratio); presentation of statistical data; data reliabilityand validity; parametric statistics and nonparametric statistics; descriptive statistics: frequencydistribution, graphical presentation, central tendency, variability, normal distribution; inferential
statistics: probability, sampling distribution, recommendations, z test, t-test, chi-square test; statisticaltest data using Microsoft Excel and SPSS.
This course aims to provide an understanding and ability of descriptive statistical theory, measurement scale, central tendency, statistical test requirements, parametric and non-parametric statistics andstatistical analysis using SPSS. lectures are conducted by providing material, introduction to statistical
applications in the form of SPSS and then practice calculating using the SPSS application. the success indicators are that students are able to map research using statistical calculations, students are able toapply statistics to research, and students can use the SPSS application properly.
- Menguasai konsep dan prosedur penelitian sehingga mampu merancang dan melaksanakan penelitian di bidang Pendidikan Nonformal secara kritis, kreatif, kolaboratif, komunikatif, melek teknologi informasi (TI), serta berintegritas dan berkarakter
- Memiliki keterampilan untuk mengimplementasikan langkah-langkah pelaksanaan penelitian dalam sebuah desain penelitian.
- Memiliki sikap positif untuk mengikuti pembelajaran dengan baik.