
Our Top Course
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)

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Sumarniningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd.
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Jadwal mengajar periode 2023/2024 Genap

(15 Reviews)

Classroom Language | 2022C

  • 16 Lessons

This subject will explore special language for running lesson and communication strategies and develop students teachers skills in using them as teachers in front of

(15 Reviews)

Classroom Language | 2022B

  • 16 Lessons

This subject will explore special language for running lesson and communication strategies and develop students teachers skills in using them as teachers in front of

(15 Reviews)

Teyl | 2022C

  • 16 Lessons

The course focuses on the basic concepts and principles of teaching English to young learners and how to apply them in teaching and learning process.

(15 Reviews)

Teyl | 2022D

  • 16 Lessons

The course focuses on the basic concepts and principles of teaching English to young learners and how to apply them in teaching and learning process.

(15 Reviews)

Public Speaking | 2023E

  • 16 Lessons

This course is designed to help the students prepare and deliver purposive speaking skills in the public both prepared and impromptu speeches. This course is

(15 Reviews)

Public Speaking | 2023F

  • 16 Lessons

This course is designed to help the students prepare and deliver purposive speaking skills in the public both prepared and impromptu speeches. This course is