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( 16 Sections)
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( 16 Sections)

Course Educational Research Methodology

Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UNESA

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Deskripsi Mata Kuliah

This course provides an in-depth understanding of the principles, methods, and techniques used in conducting educational research. It covers both qualitative and quantitative research methods and introduces mixed-method approaches. Students will explore the research process, including problem identification, literature review, research design, data collection, data analysis, and interpretation of results. The course emphasizes developing critical skills in evaluating research studies and applying research findings to educational settings. Key topics include: Formulating research questions and hypotheses, Research designs (experimental, correlational, descriptive, case study, etc), Sampling techniques, Data collection methods (surveys, interviews, observations), Ethical considerations in educational research, Writing and presenting research proposals. By the end of the course, students will be able to critically analyze existing research and design their own research project in the form of research proposal. This course is conducted through lecturing, discussion, and presentation using case-based method.


  • 1. Demonstrate thorough understanding about concepts on educational research methodology.
  • 2. Conduct research on the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language.
  • 3. Perform critical thinking and use analytical skills to solve problems in the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language.
  • 4. Demonstrate the awareness of the values, ethical issues and norms in conducting.

Aktifitas Pembelajaran

  • Pertemuan 1
    Distinguishing quantitative & qualitative approaches to research
    • Date  31 Agustus 2023

  • Pertemuan 2
    Understanding scientific approach as a foundation of research
    • Date  7 September 2023

  • Pertemuan 3
    Understanding the concepts of research problems and hypotheses
    • Date  14 September 2023

  • Pertemuan 4
    Understanding literature review
    • Date  21 September 2023

  • Pertemuan 5
    Understanding sampling
    • Date  28 September 2023

  • Pertemuan 6
    Understand research instruments
    • Date  5 Oktober 2023

  • Pertemuan 7
    Understand validity and reliability
    • Date  12 Oktober 2023

  • Pertemuan 8
    Mid-term exam
    • Date  26 Oktober 2023

  • Pertemuan 9
    Understand experimental research
    • Date  26 Oktober 2023

  • Pertemuan 10
    Understand ex-post facto research
    • Date  2 November 2023

  • Pertemuan 11
    Understand correlational studies
    • Date  9 November 2023

  • Pertemuan 12
    Understand survey
    • Date  16 November 2023

  • Pertemuan 13
    Understand action research
    • Date  23 November 2023

  • Pertemuan 14
    Understand basic interpretive study
    • Date  30 November 2023

  • Pertemuan 15
    Understand case studies
    • Date  7 Desember 2023

  • Pertemuan 16
    Usulan singkat penelitian pendidikan bahasa Inggris
    • Date  21 Desember 2023


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  • Program StudiS1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
  • Semester3
  • Lectures1
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