Konsep ajaran Agama Hindu memiliki karakteristik yang khas,kekhasan itu terletak pada adat dan budaya keagamaan yang melandasinya. Olehkarena itu transformasi ajaran Agama Hindu terimplementasikan dan
This course is an introduction to the essence of PKn which is followed by discussing national identity; national integration; constitution; obligations and rights of the
This course is an introduction to the essence of PKn which is followed by discussing national identity; national integration; constitution; obligations and rights of the
This course is an introduction to the essence of PKn which is followed by discussing national identity; national integration; constitution; obligations and rights of the
This course is an introduction to the essence of PKn which is followed by discussing national identity; national integration; constitution; obligations and rights of the
Pendidikan Agama Kristen Protestan merupakan mata kuliah yang mengajarkan pemakaian Alkitab sebagai dasar iman/keyakinan akan keberadaan Allah Tritunggal sebagai Pencipta, Penebusan oleh Yesus Kristus dan