Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang, (1) Hakikat filsafat ilmu; (2) Pokok Ajaran Filsafat Bidang Filsafat Ilmu (materialisme, idealisme/spiritualisme, realisme); (3) teori-teori kebenaran ; (4) aspek
Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang, (1) Hakikat filsafat ilmu; (2) Pokok Ajaran Filsafat Bidang Filsafat Ilmu (materialisme, idealisme/spiritualisme, realisme); (3) teori-teori kebenaran ; (4) aspek
Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang, (1) Hakikat filsafat ilmu; (2) Pokok Ajaran Filsafat Bidang Filsafat Ilmu (materialisme, idealisme/spiritualisme, realisme); (3) teori-teori kebenaran ; (4) aspek
This course discusses how to comprehend the development of halal industry, the regulations of halal product and identify chance of halal industry. The learning method
This course discusses the basic concept of Muamalah Fiqh related on the difference between fiqh and syariah, the foundation and the law source in Islam,
This course discusses the basic concept of Muamalah Fiqh related on the difference between fiqh and syariah, the foundation and the law source in Islam,