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Cendra Devayana Putra

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Cendra Devayana Putra, S.Kom., M.IM.
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Jadwal mengajar periode 2024/2025 Gasal

(15 Reviews)

Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi | 2023H

  • 16 Lessons

Pada mata kuliah ini dipelajari proses, metode, dan tools dalam suatu siklus pengembangan sistem informasi dengan penekanan di tahap analisis dan perancangan. Model pengembangan sistem

(15 Reviews)

Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi | 2023G

  • 16 Lessons

Pada mata kuliah ini dipelajari proses, metode, dan tools dalam suatu siklus pengembangan sistem informasi dengan penekanan di tahap analisis dan perancangan. Model pengembangan sistem

(15 Reviews)

Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi | 2023I

  • 16 Lessons

Pada mata kuliah ini dipelajari proses, metode, dan tools dalam suatu siklus pengembangan sistem informasi dengan penekanan di tahap analisis dan perancangan. Model pengembangan sistem

Riwayat mengajar

Periode Kode MK Nama mata kuliah Kelas Perguruan Tinggi

Riwayat Publikasi

No Tahun Judul Artikel Publisher
1. 2024 Advanced BERT-CNN for Hate Speech Detection Procedia Computer Science 234, 239-246
2. 2024 Internet of Things: Konsep dan Implementasi Eureka Media Aksara
3. 2024 Electronic nose coupled with artificial neural network for classifying of coffee roasting profile Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 43, 100632
4. 2024 A Trustworthy Automated Short-Answer Scoring System Using a New Dataset and Hybrid Transfer Learning Method International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence …
5. 2024 Semi-meta-supervised hate speech detection Knowledge-Based Systems 287, 111386
6. 2024 A recurrent stick breaking topic model for argument stance detection Multimedia Tools and Applications 83 (13), 38241-38266
7. 2024 INCREASING SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES IN TAIWAN: TIPS AND TRICKS. Darmabakti Cendekia: Journal of Community Service & Engagements 6 (1)
8. 2023 Sensor Array System Based on Electronic Nose to Detect Borax in Meatballs with Artificial Neural Network Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2023 (1), 8847929
9. 2023 Automate lifelong hate speech detection: current challenge in cross-domain adaption 2023 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics …
10. 2023 Variational autoencoder analysis gas sensor array on the preservation process of contaminated mussel shells (Mytilus edulis) Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 40, 100564
11. 2023 Digital Financial Management for Mosque Fundraising: Empowering Indonesian Workers in Taiwan Proceeding International Conference of Technology on Community and …
12. 2022 A Proposed Assessment Tool for Sharia-Compliant Equity Crowdfunding Projects Utilizing Topsis Indonesian Scholars Scientific Summit Taiwan Proceeding 4, 49-57
13. 2022 Environment and Technology as the Foundation of Indonesia’s Sustainable Development POST-PANDEMIC OUTLOOK, 1
17. 2022 A Campaign Mining in Social Media using Improved K-Means: The Perspective of Candidate President's Mission 2022 5th International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and …
18. 2020 Analisis Hubungan Frekuensi Misi Terhadap Debat Capres Melalui Tweet Capres-Cawapres Menggunakan Pembelajaran Tidak Terkontrol (Studi Kasus: Capres-Cawapres 2019) UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA