Studying group structures and its properties, subgroups, normal subgroups, factor groups, and group homomorphisms through active learning with a deductive approach.
CPL Program Studi pada MK
CPL-5 Mampu mendemonstrasikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman matematika, konten pedagogis matematika, dan penelitian pendidikan matematika
CPL-8 Mampu mengerjakan suatu masalah yang kompleks dalam matematika dan pendidikan matematika, mempresentasikan, dan mendiskusikan hasilnya secara ilmiah baik secara lisan maupun tertulis.
CPMK-1 able to understand group structure and group homomorphism
CPMK-2 able to understand the concepts of subgroups, normal subgroups, factor groups, direct sum groups (external and internal) and symmetric groups
CPMK-3 able to prove the principles that apply to groups, subgroups, group homomorphisms, normal subgroups, factor groups, direct sum groups, and symmetric groups with various methods/approaches
CPMK-4 able to work on and present problems related to group structures and group homomorphisms
CPMK-5 able to collaborate and be responsible professionally and ethically in completing tasks