The Religious course aims to form the student‘s personality (kaffah) by making Islamic teachings the
basis for thinking, behaving, and behaving in scientific and professional development. A complete
personality can only be realized if every student is instilled in faith and piety to Allah SWT. Faith and
piety will only materialize if supported by the development of its elements: insight/knowledge about
Islam, religious attitudes, skills in carrying out Islamic teachings, commitment to Islam, self-confidence
as a Muslim, and skills in carrying out religious teachings. In the psycho-social constellation, both as
individuals, family members, community members, and Indonesian citizens. This course upholds the
values of divinity, humanity, unity, deliberation, and justice within the framework of Pancasila and the
Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. This lecture also integrates Anti-Corruption Education
material and religious moderation. Lectures include case study analysis, presentations and discussions,
project assignments/problem-solving, and reflection.