Menguasai konsep dasar, prinsip, strategi, manajemen, dan etika kehumasan melalui kegiatan pertemuan kelas, diskusi, presentasi, observasi, dan praktik kehumasan.
CPL Program Studi pada MK
CPMK-1 Using science and technology as a medium for solving problems and communicating ideas through practical communication with various types of society;
CPMK-2 Mastering the concepts and development of public relation communication, publication, various types of public relations;
CPMK-3 Making a strategic decision in planning and practicing the concepts of public relations to communicate with various types of society;
CPMK-4 Being responsible and showing perceived faith, intelligent, independent, honest, caring, and resilient characters in completing assignments, presentations, practices, and tests related to the concepts and development of public relation, communication, publication, various types of public relations, and practice the concepts to communicate with different types of society.