Mata kuliah ini akan membahas konsep dan hakikat Pancasila sebagai dasar dan ideologi negara, serta pandangan hidup bangsa. Mata kuliah ini juga mengkaji Pancasila secara
One of the manifestations of love for the homeland and nation can be implemented through enthusiastic learning about Pancasila and applying its values into daily
One of the manifestations of love for the homeland and nation can be implemented through enthusiastic learning about Pancasila and applying its values into daily
One of the manifestations of love for the homeland and nation can be implemented through enthusiastic learning about Pancasila and applying its values into daily
One of the manifestations of love for the homeland and nation can be implemented through enthusiastic learning about Pancasila and applying its values into daily
One of the manifestations of love for the homeland and nation can be implemented through enthusiastic learning about Pancasila and applying its values into daily