Discussion of (1) history, position and function of Indonesian (2) critical reading (3) characteristics of scientific Indonesian (4) EyD (5) scientific work (6) proposal writing
Discussion of (1) history, position and function of Indonesian (2) critical reading (3) characteristics of scientific Indonesian (4) EyD (5) scientific work (6) proposal writing
Discussion of (1) history, position and function of Indonesian (2) critical reading (3) characteristics of scientific Indonesian (4) EyD (5) scientific work (6) proposal writing
This course teaches how to do business online and how to manage technology issues related to building an electronic commerce website. Students will learn how
Mata kuliah ini diharapkan agar mahasiswa mampu memanfaatkan TIK untuk menelusuri informasi dan sumber belajar yang mendukung penyusunan artikel ilmiah bidangpemasaran digital, technopreneur, dan konsultan
This course contains basic concepts of corporate financial management related to the development of financial management, financial manager responsibilities, financial report analysis, financial environment, time