Kajian tentang prinsip-prinsip dan cara siswa belajar menurut teori belajar perilaku, teori belajar sosial, teori belajar kognitif, pendekatan konstruktivis, teori konektivisme, serta pemotivasian siswa untuk
Kajian tentang prinsip-prinsip dan cara siswa belajar menurut teori belajar perilaku, teori belajar sosial, teori belajar kognitif, pendekatan konstruktivis, teori konektivisme, serta pemotivasian siswa untuk
This course discusses the concept of science education for sustainable development. More scientific concepts are applied in an effort to build thinking skills and creativity
Study of the principles and ways students learn according to behavioral learning theory, social learning theory, cognitive learning theory, constructivist approach, connectivism theory, as well