
Our Top Course
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( 16 Sections)
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)

Course Schedule
S1 Pendidikan Geografi UNESA
Semester: 2024/2025 Gasal


Kelas Reguler

Kelas 2024A
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 07:00 Regional Science
Senin 10:20 Basic Education
Selasa 13:00 General Geomorphology
Selasa 16:20 Introduction To Sociology And Anthropology
Rabu 07:00 Introduction To Geography
Rabu 10:20 General
Kamis 10:20 Basic Cartography
Jumat 08:40 Meteorology Climatology
Jumat 14:40 Hydrology
Kelas 2024B
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 13:00 Basic Education
Senin 14:40 Regional Science
Selasa 07:00 Introduction To Sociology And Anthropology
Selasa 13:00 General Geomorphology
Rabu 08:40 Introduction To Geography
Rabu 13:00 General
Kamis 08:40 Basic Cartography
Jumat 08:40 Meteorology Climatology
Jumat 14:40 Hydrology
Kelas 2024C
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 08:40 Regional Science
Senin 13:00 Basic Education
Selasa 10:20 General Geomorphology
Selasa 14:40 Basic Cartography
Selasa 16:20 Introduction To Sociology And Anthropology
Rabu 08:40 Introduction To Geography
Rabu 10:20 General
Jumat 07:00 Meteorology Climatology
Jumat 13:00 Hydrology
Kelas 2024D
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 10:20 Basic Education
Senin 16:20 Regional Science
Selasa 08:40 Introduction To Sociology And Anthropology
Selasa 10:20 General Geomorphology
Selasa 13:00 Basic Cartography
Rabu 07:00 Introduction To Geography
Rabu 13:00 General
Jumat 07:00 Meteorology Climatology
Jumat 13:00 Hydrology
Kelas 2024I
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 08:40 Basic Education
Senin 10:20 Regional Science
Selasa 08:40 General Geomorphology
Selasa 10:20 Introduction To Sociology And Anthropology
Rabu 08:40 General
Rabu 10:20 Introduction To Geography
Kamis 07:00 Basic Cartography
Jumat 10:20 Meteorology Climatology
Jumat 16:20 Hydrology
Kelas 2023A
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 07:00 Land Geography
Senin 16:20 Development Of Teaching Materials
Selasa 07:00 Ecology Biogeography
Selasa 10:20 School Curriculum
Rabu 07:00 Evaluation Of Learning And Learning
Rabu 13:00 Research Methods
Kamis 07:00 Geography Village Geography Cities
Kamis 10:20 Statistics
Jumat 07:00 Remote Sensing Basic
Jumat 08:40 Hydrology
Kelas 2023B
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 10:20 Land Geography
Senin 14:40 Development Of Teaching Materials
Selasa 07:00 Ecology Biogeography
Selasa 10:20 School Curriculum
Rabu 07:00 Evaluation Of Learning And Learning
Rabu 09:30 Research Methods
Kamis 07:00 Statistics
Kamis 08:40 Geography Village Geography Cities
Jumat 07:00 Hydrology
Jumat 08:40 Remote Sensing Basic
Kelas 2023C
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 07:00 Development Of Teaching Materials
Senin 08:40 Land Geography
Selasa 07:00 School Curriculum
Selasa 09:30 Ecology Biogeography
Rabu 08:40 Evaluation Of Learning And Learning
Kamis 08:40 Statistics
Kamis 10:20 Geography Village Geography Cities
Kamis 13:00 Research Methods
Jumat 07:00 Hydrology
Jumat 10:20 Remote Sensing Basic
Kelas 2023D
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 08:40 Development Of Teaching Materials
Senin 08:40 Land Geography
Selasa 07:00 School Curriculum
Selasa 09:30 Ecology Biogeography
Rabu 07:00 Research Methods
Rabu 08:40 Evaluation Of Learning And Learning
Kamis 07:00 Geography Village Geography Cities
Kamis 10:20 Statistics
Jumat 08:40 Remote Sensing Basic
Jumat 10:20 Hydrology
Kelas 2023E
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 07:00 Land Geography
Senin 10:20 Development Of Teaching Materials
Selasa 08:40 School Curriculum
Selasa 13:00 Ecology Biogeography
Rabu 10:20 Evaluation Of Learning And Learning
Kamis 08:40 Statistics
Kamis 08:40 Geography Village Geography Cities
Kamis 15:30 Research Methods
Jumat 07:00 Remote Sensing Basic
Jumat 08:40 Hydrology
Kelas 2023I
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 13:00 Development Of Teaching Materials
Senin 14:40 Land Geography
Selasa 13:00 Ecology Biogeography
Selasa 15:30 School Curriculum
Rabu 13:00 Evaluation Of Learning And Learning
Rabu 15:30 Research Methods
Kamis 13:00 Statistics
Kamis 13:00 Geography Village Geography Cities
Jumat 13:00 Remote Sensing Basic
Jumat 16:20 Hydrology
Kelas 2021A
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Sabtu 14:40 Seminar Proposal Final Project
Kelas 2021B
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Sabtu 15:30 Seminar Proposal Final Project
Kelas 2021C
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Sabtu 16:20 Seminar Proposal Final Project
Kelas 2020A
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Sabtu 08:40 Thesis
Kelas 2020B
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Sabtu 07:50 Thesis
Kelas 2020C
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Sabtu 07:00 Thesis
Kelas 2019A
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Sabtu 11:10 Thesis
Kelas 2019B
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Sabtu 10:20 Thesis
Kelas 2019C
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Sabtu 09:30 Thesis
Kelas 2018A
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Sabtu 13:50 Thesis
Kelas 2018B
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Sabtu 13:00 Thesis
Kelas 2018C
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Sabtu 12:00 Thesis

Kelas MKWU

Hari Jam Mata Kuliah Kelas
Kamis 13:00 Pancasila Education
Kamis 13:00 Pancasila Education
Kamis 14:40 Pancasila Education