
Our Top Course
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)

Course Schedule
S2 Pendidikan Olahraga UNESA
Semester: 2024/2025 Gasal


Kelas Reguler

Kelas 2024C
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Selasa 07:00 Sports Health
Rabu 07:00 Philosophy Of Education
Rabu 08:40 Sports Psychology
Rabu 13:00 Motor Learning Theory
Kamis 07:00 Physical Education
Kamis 09:30 Research Methodology
Kamis 13:00 Sports Education Management
Kelas 2024D
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Selasa 14:40 Physical Education
Rabu 07:00 Philosophy Of Education
Rabu 08:40 Sports Health
Rabu 10:20 Sports Psychology
Rabu 15:30 Motor Learning Theory
Kamis 09:30 Research Methodology
Kamis 13:00 Sports Education Management
Kelas 2023A
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 10:20 Publication
Senin 10:20 Proposal
Senin 13:00 Thesis
Selasa 07:00 Sports Education Management
Selasa 08:40 Sports Psychology
Rabu 07:00 Motor Learning Theory
Rabu 09:30 Philosophy
Rabu 11:10 Research Methodology
Kelas 2023B
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 08:40 Proposal
Senin 10:20 Publication
Senin 13:00 Thesis
Kelas 2022A
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 08:40 Proposal
Senin 10:20 Publication
Senin 13:00 Thesis
Kelas 2022B
Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 08:40 Proposal
Senin 10:20 Publication
Senin 13:00 Thesis