
Our Top Course
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)

All Course (576)

Program Studi S1 Manajemen UNESA

(15 Reviews)

Operational | 2023O

  • 16 Lessons

This course discusses the basic concepts of operations research and approaches to various deterministic modeling methods such as linear programming, transportation models, assignments, queuing systems,

(15 Reviews)

Cost Accounting | 2023O

  • 16 Lessons

This course analyzes the basic concepts of cost accounting, analyzes production cost components, analyzes the collection and determination of production costs using order and process

(15 Reviews)

Teori Ekonomi Makro | 2024C

  • 16 Lessons

Matakuliah ini berisi mengenai konsep dasar ekonomi makro dalam menganalisis perekonomian dan kebijaksanaan pemerintah dibidang ekonomi yang didalamnya terdapat materi tentang multiplier effect, teori inflasi

(15 Reviews)

Teori Ekonomi Makro | 2024B

  • 16 Lessons

Matakuliah ini berisi mengenai konsep dasar ekonomi makro dalam menganalisis perekonomian dan kebijaksanaan pemerintah dibidang ekonomi yang didalamnya terdapat materi tentang multiplier effect, teori inflasi

(15 Reviews)

Teori Ekonomi Makro | 2024A

  • 16 Lessons

Matakuliah ini berisi mengenai konsep dasar ekonomi makro dalam menganalisis perekonomian dan kebijaksanaan pemerintah dibidang ekonomi yang didalamnya terdapat materi tentang multiplier effect, teori inflasi

(15 Reviews)

Manajemen Pemasaran | 2023K

  • 16 Lessons

In the Marketing Management course, students learn to describe theories in Marketing Management including marketing management, marketing insights, customer relationships, strong brands, value creation and