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Profil Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Unesa

Study Program  :  Apparel Design Education
Establishment Date  :  18 Juni 1982
Study Program Coordinator  : 
Visi Misi & Tujuan Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Capaian Lulusan Program Studi Apparel Design Education
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
PLO-1 Mampu menunjukkan nilai-nilai agama, kebangsaan dan budaya nasional, serta etika akademik dalam melaksanakan tugasnya

PLO-2 Menunjukkan karakter tangguh, kolaboratif, adaptif, inovatif, inklusif, belajar sepanjang hayat, dan berjiwa kewirausahaan
Dibebankan pada matakuliah:

PLO-3 Mengembangkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan kreatif dalam melakukan pekerjaan yang spesifik di bidang keahliannya serta sesuai dengan standar kompetensi kerja bidang yang bersangkutan
Dibebankan pada matakuliah:

PLO-4 Mengembangkan diri secara berkelanjutan dan berkolaborasi.
Dibebankan pada matakuliah:

Occupational Profiles Program Studi Apparel Design Education
Universitas Negeri Surabaya

    Struktur Kurikulum Apparel Design Education
    Universitas Negeri Surabaya

    Kurikulum KKNI S1 Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga

    Semester ke 1

    Kode Mata Kuliah Kredit Mandatori?
    8320603009 Computer Applications 3.00
    8320602044 Basic 2.00
    8320602228 Strategi Pembelajaran 2.00
    8320602094 Basic Chemistry 2.00
    8320602001 Car Ac 2.00
    8320602134 Applied Mathematics 2.00
    8320602050 Dasar Seni Dan Desain 2.00
    8320602045 Housekeeping 2.00
    8320603036 Kitchen And Equipment 3.00
    8320603038 Basic Food 3.00
    8320602083 Family Welfare Science 2.00
    8320602093 Kesehatan Dan Keselamatan Kerja 2.00
    8320602132 Matematika Dasar 2.00
    8320602074 Applied Physics 2.00
    8320603121 Management Fashion Tailoring 3.00
    8320602013 Indonesian Language 2.00
    8320602096 Applied Chemistry 2.00
    1000002009 Ilmu Budaya Dasar Ibd 2.00
    1000002018 Pancasila Education 2.00
    8320602218 History Of Indonesian Clothing 2.00
    8320602136 Menggambar Mode 2.00

    Semester ke 2

    Kode Mata Kuliah Kredit Mandatori?
    8320603240 Sewing Techniques 3.00
    8320603101 Construction Clothing Patterns 3.00
    8320602047 Basic Culinary 2.00
    8320602004 Anatomy Physiology 2.00
    8320603011 Appreciation Decorating Fabric 3.00
    8320603189 Care And Cosmetology Facial Cosmetology 3.00
    8320602196 Development Of Fashion 2.00
    8320604204 Oriental Food Prod 4.00
    8320604206 Indonesian Food Production 4.00
    8320603040 Basics Of Clothing 3.00
    8320602073 Fisika Dasar 2.00
    8320602141 Microbiology Food 2.00
    8320603238 Makeup 3.00
    8320604248 Technology Sewing 4.00
    8320604059 Fashion Design 4.00
    8320602015 English I 2.00
    8320603188 Food Grooming And Cosmetology Hair 3.00
    8320604203 Continental Food Prod 4.00
    8320602046 Basics Of Computers 2.00
    8320603111 Foundations Of Education 3.00
    100000202x Pendidikan Agama (Wajib memilih salah satu)
        -  Agama Budha
        -  Agama Hindu
        -  Agama Islam
        -  Agama Katholik
    90420301 Foundations Of Education 3.00
    1000002033 Citizenship 2.00
    8320603097 Applied Computers 3.00
    8320602049 Basic 2.00

    Semester ke 3

    Kode Mata Kuliah Kredit Mandatori?
    8320603143 Production Tools Make-Up 3.00
    8320602088 Interaction Teaching And Learning 2.00
    8320603216 History Of Fashion Cosmetology 3.00
    8320602135 Drawing Anatomy 2.00
    8320604169 Oriental Food Management 4.00
    8320602086 Textile Science 2.00
    8320603151 Arrangement Traditional Buns 3.00
    8320603171 Management Indonesian 3.00
    8320603178 Pengetahuan Alat Dapur 3.00
    8320603146 Hair Barbers 3.00
    8320603179 Food Ingredient Knowledge 3.00
    8320603062 Fashion Design Ii 3.00
    8320602058 Basic Fashion Design 2.00
    8320602212 And Hair Styling 2.00
    8320602053 Decoration 2.00
    8320603077 Nutrition Nutritional Science Food 3.00
    8320603091 Keriting Rambut 3.00
    8320602082 Skin And Hair Health Science 2.00
    8320603035 Computer Aided Fashion Design 3.00
    8320604105 Construction Clothing Patterns Ii 4.00
    8320602016 English Ii 2.00
    8320603160 Pengel Oriental Food 3.00

    Semester ke 4

    Kode Mata Kuliah Kredit Mandatori?
    1000004041 Psikologi Pendidikan 4.00
    8320602081 Science Nutrition Beauty 2.00
    8320602148 Barbering Advanced Hair 2.00
    8320603020 Bakery And Pastry 3.00
    8320602064 Textile Design 2.00
    8320602095 Chemistry Cosmetics 2.00
    8320603226 Statistics 3.00
    8320602110 Curriculum And Textbooks 2.00
    8320603063 Makeup Design 3.00
    8320602069 Teaching Evaluation 2.00
    8320603125 Women‘s Fashion Management I 3.00
    8320603029 Painting And Coloring Hair 3.00
    8320603138 Menggambar Mode Tata Rias 3.00
    8320602224 Spa Per Manicure And Padicure Agency 2.00
    8320602005 Anthropology And Sociology Of 2.00
    8320602219 History Of Development Of Fashion Fashion 2.00
    8320602115 Management Children‘s Clothing 2.00
    8320604124 Fashion Management Women And Children 4.00
    8320603158 Pengel Continental Food 3.00
    8320602092 Curly Hair Advanced 2.00

    Semester ke 5

    Kode Mata Kuliah Kredit Mandatori?
    8320602026 Advanced Embroidery 2.00
    8320603154 Cake Management Indonesian Drinks 3.00
    8320603127 Management Of Women‘s Clothing Ii 3.00
    8320602209 Food Service Industry Psychology 2.00
    8320603234 Western Bridal Make-Up 3.00
    8320603119 Men‘s Fashion Management 3.00
    8320602244 Technology 2.00
    8320602183 Food Concentration Advanced 2.00
    8320602054 Cake Decorating 2.00
    8320603251 About Dishes And Food Service 3.00
    8320602213 Sanitation And Hygiene Food 2.00
    8320603140 Research Methodology 3.00
    8320602072 Fashion Marketing 2.00
    8320603161 Pengel Mak Continental Advanced 3.00
    8320602194 Perencanaan Pengajaran 2.00
    8320602087 Building Installation Of 2.00
    8320603055 Makeup Cosmetics 3.00
    8320602149 Food Service Marketing 2.00
    8320603237 Indonesian Bridal Make-Up I 3.00
    8320603197 Special Leather With Electrical Tools 3.00
    8320602023 Embroidery Basics 2.00

    Semester ke 6

    Kode Mata Kuliah Kredit Mandatori?
    8320603235 Make-Up Ind Ii 3.00
    8320603130 Bakery And Pastry Business Management 3.00
    8320603116 Fashion Management For Children Babies 3.00
    8320602221 Art Rangk Bridal Flowers 2.00
    8320602182 Plastic Surgery Knowledge 2.00
    8320602152 Consumer Education 2.00
    8320604131 Business Management Food 4.00
    8320604174 Fashion Business Management Clothing 4.00
    8320602079 Community Nutrition 2.00
    8320602220 Exercise 2.00
    8320602156 Pengel Laboratory Bs Operations 2.00
    8320602164 Management Lab Management Field Of Study 2.00
    8320602241 Communication Engineering 2.00
    8320602031 Chocalate And Sugar Confection 2.00
    8320603067 Draping 3.00
    8320602089 Craft 2.00
    8320604230 Tailoring 4.00
    8320602200 Ppl I 2.00

    Semester ke 7

    Kode Mata Kuliah Kredit Mandatori?
    8320602024 Embroidery I 2.00
    8320602025 Embroidery Ii 2.00
    8320606223 Thesis 6.00
    8320604032 Cipta Karya Catering 4.00
    8320602075 Food Styling 2.00
    8320602201 Ppl Ii 2.00
    8320604202 Field Practice 4.00
    8320604173 Business Management 4.00
    8320604076 Nutrition And Nutritional Science 4.00

    Semester ke 8

    Kode Mata Kuliah Kredit Mandatori?
    8320602109 Traditional Cosmetics 2.00
    8320602247 Food Technology Ii 2.00
    8320604176 Cosmetology Business Management 4.00
    8320602142 Business Fashion 2.00
    8320604034 Cipta Karya Clothing 4.00
    8320603162 Management Of Specialty Dishes 3.00
    8320602018 English Applied 2.00
    Evaluasi Kurikulum Program Studi Apparel Design Education
    Universitas Negeri Surabaya
    Rekap PLO Program Studi Apparel Design Education
    Universitas Negeri Surabaya
    Nama Matakuliah Sks Program Learning Outcomes PLO) Total
    Landasan Perancangan Kurikulum Program Studi Apparel Design Education
    Universitas Negeri Surabaya