Course Description
This course includes a discussion of the concept of entrepreneurship in an effort to develop an entrepreneurial spirit, namely the ability to motivate oneself to be able to capture business opportunities, create services, production, marketing, partnerships and management, as well as being able to improve problem solving skills in business. Lectures are carried out using a system of discussions, project assignments and reflection.This course covers the discussion of the concept of entrepreneurship to develop an entrepreneurial spirit, namely the ability to motivate themselves to be able to capture business opportunities, create services, production, marketing, partnerships, and management, and be able to improve problem-solving skills in business. Lectures are carried out with a system of discussion, project assignments, and reflection.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa mampu menginterpertasikan secara jelas teori dasar kewirausahaan.
- C6. Mahasiswa mampu membuat business plan secara tepat C6. Students are able to make proper business plans
- P3. Mahasiswa mampu mempraktikan kegiatan bisnis berdasarkan business plan yang sudah dibuat. P3. Students are able to practice business activities based on their business plan.
- A5. Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan karakter Iman, cerdas, mandiri, jujur, peduli dan tangguh di dalam kegiatan pembelajaran Kewirausahaan. A5. Students are able to show religious, smart, independent, honest, caring, and resilient character in entrepreneurship learning activities.