Course Description
This course examines and provides an in-depth understanding of the basic concepts of the fundamental foundations of non-bank Islamic financial institutions as well as the basic characteristics of non-bank Islamic financial instruments and institutions including the concept of Islamic financial institutions, the concept of the Sharia Capital Market, the Concept of Sharia Shares, the Concept of Sukuk and Mutual Funds. Sharia, Sharia Insurance Institution Concept, Sharia Guarantee Concept, Sharia Pawnshop Concept, Sharia Microfinance Institution/BMT Concept, Sharia Pension Fund Concept, Sharia Venture Capital Concept, Sharia finance company concept, infrastructure finance company concept and P2P Lending (Fintech) provider concept Sharia. By studying this course students are able to make the right decisions in order to solve problems in their field of expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis. Course material includes: 1. Concept of Financial Institutions 2. Concept of Non-Bank Sharia Financial Institutions 3. Types of Non-Bank Sharia Financial Institutions in Indonesia 4. Facilitating Institutions for Non-Bank Sharia Financial Institutions 5. Capital market structure 6. Concept of Sharia stocks and shares 7. Issuance of sukuk 8. Structure of mutual funds 9. Differences between conventional insurance and sharia insurance 10. Types and products of insurance 11. Products and contracts of sharia guarantee institutions 12. Products and contracts of sharia pawning 13. Concepts, products and contracts of microfinance institutions 14. Venture capital sharia 15. Products and contracts of sharia financing institutions 16. Infrastructure financing concept 17. P2P lending concept
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mampu bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan sendiri dan kelompok
- Mampu menelaah operasional Lembaga Keuangan Syariah Non-Bank
- Mampu menganalisis jenis, produk, dan akad pada Lembaga keuangan Syariah non-bank