Course Description
This course examines the meaning and benefits of proof, the types of reasoning used in the proof process and their characteristics, including deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning (analogy, generalization), types of proof in mathematics (proof, formal, informal, direct proof, contradiction , induction, and proof with examples and non-examples) and how to communicate proof through IT-based active learning
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mata kuliah ini mengkaji tentang pengertian penalaran, jenis-jenis penalaran meliputi penalaran induktif, penalaran deduktif, penalaran dalam pemecahan masalah matematis, pengertian pembuktian, metode pembuktian meliputi metode langsung, metode tak langsung, serta jenis jenis pembuktian yang meliputi pembuktian formal dan pembuktian non-formal.