Course Description
This course examines basic concepts, objectives, functions, benefits, principles of developing daily life skills, types of life skills (general life skills: personal skills, social skills) and specific life skills (academic skills, vocational skills), characteristics , the urgency of life skills in education and learning, life skills assessments, assessment instruments, daily life skills development programs that suit the type, characteristics and needs of each child with special needs and creating programs to develop daily life skills and overcome related problems with life skills for ABK and PDBK, strategies, online learning, methods, media (digital and non-digital) and assistive technology in developing daily life skills for ABK and PDBK, task analysis, modeling, online learning in developing skills daily life for ABK and PDBK, solving daily life skills problems for ABK and PDBK through products or scientific works in the form of articles or products or other works related to solving life skills problems for ABK and PDBK, making products in the form of programs and program practices relating to the development of daily life skills for ABK and GDPK in schools (SLB, Inclusion Schools) and institutions that handle ABK, entrepreneurial plans and practical reports on programs for developing daily life skills for ABK and PDBK in communities, schools (SLB, Inclusion Schools) and institutions that handle ABK and PDBK. Lectures are carried out using the project based learning method
Program Objectives (PO)
- Terampil memberikan layanan yang berkaitan dengan program pengembangan kecakapan hidup sehari-hari bagi ABK dan PDBK
- Terampil berpikir logis untuk pemecahan masalah yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan kecakapan hidup sehari-hari ABK dan PDBK sesuai dengan keahliannya berdasarkan kaidah, tata cara, dan etika ilmiah dalam rangka menghasilkan solusi, gagasan, desain.
- Terampil bekerja mandiri, bekerja sama di dalam tim kolaboratif, bertanggung jawab baik tugas individu maupun tim, serta mengkomunikasikan ide, pendapat, dan argumentasi secara lisan/tertulis berkaitan dengan pengembangan kecakapan hidup sehari-hari ABK dan PDBK
- Menguasai dan mengkomunikasikan konsep teoritis dasar teori yang relevan dengan pengembangan kecakapan hidup sehari-hari Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus