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Program Studi S1 Sosiologi UNESA

(15 Reviews)

Introduction TO Political Science | 2023B

  • 16 Lessons

Study of political dimensions, government, power, authority, legitimacy, state, nation, political integration, ideology, political parties, political and interest representation, political decisions, political conflict, political behavior,

(15 Reviews)

Introduction TO Political Science | 2023A

  • 16 Lessons

Study of political dimensions, government, power, authority, legitimacy, state, nation, political integration, ideology, political parties, political and interest representation, political decisions, political conflict, political behavior,

(15 Reviews)

Sociology OF Religion | 2022E

  • 16 Lessons

Mata kuliah Sosiologi Agama membekali mahasiswa dengan pemahaman kritis tentang hubungan agama dan masyarakat, mencakup aspek sosial, budaya, ekonomi, dan politik. Mahasiswa akan mempelajari konsep,

(15 Reviews)

Sociology OF Religion | 2022D

  • 16 Lessons

Mata kuliah Sosiologi Agama membekali mahasiswa dengan pemahaman kritis tentang hubungan agama dan masyarakat, mencakup aspek sosial, budaya, ekonomi, dan politik. Mahasiswa akan mempelajari konsep,

(15 Reviews)

Introduction TO Political Science | 2023J

  • 16 Lessons

Study of political dimensions, government, power, authority, legitimacy, state, nation, political integration, ideology, political parties, political and interest representation, political decisions, political conflict, political behavior,

(15 Reviews)

Introduction TO Political Science | 2023I

  • 16 Lessons

Study of political dimensions, government, power, authority, legitimacy, state, nation, political integration, ideology, political parties, political and interest representation, political decisions, political conflict, political behavior,