Pemahaman dan pengkajian konsep ekologi dan biogeografi, mencakup prinsip dan konsep ekosistem, individu, populasi, komunitas, lingkungan biotik dan abiotik, suksesi, ekosistem darat, perairan dan persebaran
Pemahaman dan pengkajian konsep ekologi dan biogeografi, mencakup prinsip dan konsep ekosistem, individu, populasi, komunitas, lingkungan biotik dan abiotik, suksesi, ekosistem darat, perairan dan persebaran
: Assessment of mastery of curriculum concepts by conducting analysis in the form of components, principles, curriculum development, basic concepts of geography education, position of
: Assessment of mastery of curriculum concepts by conducting analysis in the form of components, principles, curriculum development, basic concepts of geography education, position of