Course Description
This course examines the basic concepts of consumer behavior related to influencing factors, consumer behavior models, the concept of consumer satisfaction and loyalty, drivers of consumer satisfaction, motivation and needs, personality and lifestyle, stages of information processing and consumer perception, consumer learning processes, consumer knowledge and attitudes, environmental factors that influence the purchasing decision process. Learning methods that are often used are varied lectures, discussions, market observations and Jig Saw learning.
Program Objectives (PO)
- C4. Mahasiswa mampu menelaah secara cermat teori-teori perilaku konsumen.
- P3. Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan keterkaitan secara tepat teori-teori perilaku konsumen dengan strategi pemasaran.
- A5. Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan karakter tangguh, kolaboratif, adaptif, inovatif, inklusif, belajar sepanjang hayat, dan kewirausahaan di dalam kegiatan pembelajaran perilaku konsumen