Course Description
This course explains related learning models and learning methods for schools at secondary and higher education levels and learning innovations that are relevant to industry needs 4. 0 (21st century learning) Scientific approach-oriented learning such as: problem-based learning (Problem Based Learning) , inquiry learning, discovery and contextual learning as well as project-based learning. The assessment is carried out through presentation and analysis of concepts, presentation of operational examples of each learning model in the form of learning tools, workshops on developing learning tools by students oriented towards each learning model and strategy. The assessment activity ends with an exercise in implementing a particular learning model by each student in a peer teaching forum followed by discussion and reflection activities.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Memanfaatkan sumber belajar dan TIK untuk mendukung pencapaian kompetensi mahasiswa terkait dengan pemahaman dan kemampuan untuk berfikir filosofis, logis kreatif dan kritis menurut kaidah-kaidah ilmiah
- Memiliki pengetahuan dan wawasan tentang filsafat ilmu untuk berfikir kritis dan kreatif serta filosofis dalam menghadapi permasalahan
- Memiliki keterampilan berfikir kritis dan kreatif serta inovatif dalam menghadapi permasalahan
- Memiliki sikap bertanggung jawab dan objektif dalam mengembangkan keterampilan berfikir kritis dan kreatif serta filosofis dalam menghadapi permasalahan