Course Description
This course provides an understanding of HR Planning, Organizational Strategy, and HR as core competencies; Organizational Culture, HR Strategies, and Organizational Life Cycle; HR Planning Models; External Environmental Analysis (Government Influences and Macroeconomic Conditions, Population & Competition Issues and Labor Market Composition & Work Patterns), HR Audit (Employment and Expertise); Organizational inventory capability, HR Information System (SISDM); Forecasting HR requests; forecasting HR offers; Managing HR Surpluses & Deficits. The learning method used is case study analysis, HR planning practices in the HR Lab, discussions, project assignments, and reflections that are oriented towards wise decision making as an entrepreneur.
Program Objectives (PO)
- C2. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan teori perencanaan SDM dengan tepat
- P5. Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan Teknologi Informasi dalam bidang Perenecanaan SDM secara efektif
- P5. Mahasiswa mampu mendesain keputusan strategis di bidang perencanaan SDM berdasarkan analisis lingkungan internal & lingkungan eksternal dan Sistem infomasi SDM.
- A5. Mahasiswa mampu bertindak sesuai karakter Iman, cerdas, mandiri, jujur, peduli dan tangguh (Idaman Jelita) dalam kegiatan pembelajaran Perencanaan SDM.