Course Description
Review and provide an understanding of the role of laboratories in the education and learning process in accordance with the curriculum applicable in schools, including: (1) rational management of labs/workshops, accountability of educational programs, basic vocational school curriculum, process skills approach, practice and practicum; (2) learning resources and lab work; (3) planning a laboratory in the field of study; (4) lab administration and work safety in the school lab. Learning: with a constructivist approach. The learning activity ended by observing the SMK (Boga) lab, creating a lab design in the culinary field of study as material for group discussion and reflection.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Pemahaman Pengelolaan Laboratorium dan Akuntabilitas Program Pendidikan SMK
- Penerapan Kurikulum dan Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses di SMK
- Perancangan dan Pengelolaan Praktikum dan Alur Praktek di SMK
- Desain dan Pengelolaan Infrastruktur Laboratorium
- Teknis Pengelolaan Laboratorium dan Keselamatan Kerja
- Analisis dan Presentasi Hasil Survey Laboratorium