Course Description
This course provides knowledge to students through the concept of child development, the concept of developmental guidance and counseling, and developmental guidance and counseling strategies/methods/models, as well as skills for planning, preparing programs, implementing, evaluating and resolving problems related to competency standards for developmental tasks. student. This course also equips students to be able to make decisions in applying/applying special strategies/methods/models to find alternative solutions in solving problems in the field of developmental guidance and counseling. Lectures are carried out with student centered learning through small group discussions, case studies, and problem based learning.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Menguasai pengetahuan merancang, menerapkan, dan menilai layanan pengelolaan BK perkembangan
- Terampil memberikan layanan BK Perkembangan
- Terampil dalam pemecahan masalah perkembangan anak menggunakan berbagai strategi/metode/model bimbingan dan konseling perkembangan
- Terampil bekerja mandiri, bekerja sama di dalam tim, bertanggung jawab baik tugas individu maupun tim, serta mengkomunikasikan ide, pendapat, dan argumentasi secara lisan/tertulis dalam BK Perkembangan