Course Description
This course is able to explore, interpret, and connect socio-cultural practices based on ethnopedagogy which are connected to the context of sustainable communities. The activities in this course are designed to provide critical reflective analysis on the application of socio-cultural value practices in learning in basic education. This course is expected to provide an understanding of ethnopedagogical practices combined with a critical understanding of sustainable SDG principles. The approach to this course uses case studies of ethnopedagogical practices in elementary education by looking at the showcase portfolio rubric.
Program Objectives (PO)
- CPMK-3 Menggali dan menginteprestasikan praktik sosial budaya berbasis etnopedagogi yang dihubungkan dengan konteks lokalitas komunitas berkelanjutan.
- CPMK-4 Menunjukkan sikap inklusifitas, sikap terbuka, dan empati dalam keanekaragaman budaya, pandangan, dan kepercayaan berorientasi reflektif komunitas berkelanjutan.
- CPMK-7 Mengambil keputusan dalam penerapan praktik nilai sosial budaya melalui analisis praksis konteks komunitas berkelanjutan.
- CPMK-9 Menganalisis praktik sosial budaya melalui konteks komunitas berkelanjutan ke dalam inovasi pendidikan dasar yang dikaitkan lintas bidang ilmu.