Course Description
This course deepens understanding of perspectives, patterns and problems related to glocalization towards the transformation of sustainability education. The activities of this course are designed to provide an in-depth, critically reflective and transformative understanding of glocalization and its relationship to its application in basic education practices (SD/MI) and in higher education. This course is expected to provide an understanding of local and global practices that are based on equality, awareness of community identity, balance and towards better sustainability.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Menganalisis berbagai aspek pada konteks global dan lokal yang mempengaruhi pendidikan dasar
- Menganalisis dan merefleksi praktik lokal dan global yang didasarkan pada kesetaraan, kesadaran identifas komunitas, keseimbangan dan menuju keberlanjutan yang lebih baik
- Menganalisis dan merefleksi transformasi glokalisasi pendidikan (ide, penelitian, praksis)
- Merancang kurikulum pendidikan dasar berbasis glokal