Provision for students to be able to communicate in writing in German with themes of everyday life, including the themes "Meine Wohnung" (Residence), "Studium und Beruf" (Study and Work), "Die Jacke gefällt mir" (Clothing ), "Ab in den Urlaub" (Holiday), "Und was machst du?" (Free time activities), "Nach der Schulzeit" (Stories about School and After Graduation), "Immer Online?" (Media in Everyday Life), "Grosse und kleine Gefuehle" (Happiness and Sadness), "Leben in der Stadt" (Life in the City), "Arbeitswelten" (World of Work). The materials studied are vocabulary, grammar and communicative expressions which aim to provide writing skills in accordance with the themes studied. Lecture activities include language theory and practice. Material is taken from various sources according to the theme and level of language progression to be achieved. Lectures are carried out in an integrated manner using a communicative approach. In practical activities, students work independently, in pairs and in groups. Students practice German at German level A2. Assessment includes a written test and participation in class.