Providing students with the ability to communicate in German, both receptively and productively with themes of daily life, includes four skills, namely listening, reading, writing and speaking. The themes studied are "Blick nach vorn", "Beziehungskisten", "von Kopf bis Fuss", "Kunstuecke", "Miteinander", "Vom Leben in Staedten". The materials studied are vocabulary, grammar and communicative expressions according to the theme studied. Lecture activities include theory and language practice in a ratio of 20:80. Material is taken from various sources according to the theme and level of language progression to be achieved. Lectures are carried out in an integrated manner using a communicative approach, with the aim that students are able to speak German comprehensively. In practical activities, students work independently, in pairs and in groups. Students practice German at German level B1. Assessment includes written and oral tests as well as participation in class.