
Our Top Course
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)
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( 16 Sections)

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Program Studi D4 Manajemen Informatika UNESA

(15 Reviews)

Entrepreneurship | 2024C

  • 16 Lessons

Conduct studies, provide understanding and skills in business fields such as marketing, production, finance, human resources, simple financial accounting, organization and management as well as

(15 Reviews)

Entrepreneurship | 2024B

  • 16 Lessons

Conduct studies, provide understanding and skills in business fields such as marketing, production, finance, human resources, simple financial accounting, organization and management as well as

(15 Reviews)

Entrepreneurship | 2024A

  • 16 Lessons

Conduct studies, provide understanding and skills in business fields such as marketing, production, finance, human resources, simple financial accounting, organization and management as well as

(15 Reviews)

Sistem Informasi Manajemen | 2022A

  • 16 Lessons

Management information systems courses provide studies that contain an understanding of the role of information systems in changing global business, electronic business systems (E-Business), computing

(15 Reviews)

Engineering Practice Software | 2023F

  • 16 Lessons

This Software Engineering course provides software engineering concepts, software project management, various software development methodologies, software requirements analysis, system principles and modeling with DFD, creating

(15 Reviews)

Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak | 2023F

  • 16 Lessons

This Software Engineering course provides software engineering concepts, software project management, various software development methodologies, software requirements analysis, system principles and modeling with DFD, creating